Another acquisition for the French group Focus Home Interactive, which offers the services of Leikir Studio, the developer currently working on Metal Slug Tactics.

New acquisition by Focus Home Interactive. The French publisher, which has already secured the services of DotEmu and then of Douze Diièmes (Shady Part of Me) at the end of 2021, announcement the arrival of Parisian Leikir Studio in the group. A fifth internal development studio for Focus, including Deck13 and Streum On.
The small indie team of around twenty people is currently working on Metal Slug Tactics, based on the famous SNK license and planned for 2022. DotEmu will also be editing this title. The statement states that Leikir Studio will bring the group new artistic directions in stylized 3D and 2D pixel-art.
Aurélien Loos, president and founder of the studio, comments on this takeover:
We are happy to join Groupe Focus because it is an important step for the growth of our studio. This acquisition validates our multi-production strategy and will enable us to reach new qualitative and creative levels. This is great recognition for the work accomplished by our teams over the past several years.