Home News For Ubisoft, people don’t know it yet, but NFTs are great

For Ubisoft, people don’t know it yet, but NFTs are great


In a lengthy interview, those responsible for the Ubisoft Quartz project attempted to play down players’ fears about NFT projects. For them, people have not yet understood that it is FU-TUUUR.

If people don’t like NFTs, and by extension, the project Ubisoft Quartz, it’s simply because they are not ready yet. This is essentially what the French group’s project managers explain in an interview published on the financial site Finder this Thursday.

Among the answers that are likely to make people talk, that of Nicolas Pouard, vice-president of innovation at Ubisoft. When asked what people didn’t understand about the project, he says:

I think gamers don’t understand what a digital secondary market can do for them. For now, due to the current NFT situation and context, players truly believe it’s about destroying the planet first, and just a tool for speculation second. But what we [chez Ubisoft] Let’s see first, this is the purpose of the game. It’s about giving players the option to resell their items once they’re done with them or they’ve finished playing the game itself .

So it’s really for them. It’s really beneficial. But they don’t understand it at the moment.

The players therefore did not grasp the main objective of the Ubisoft charitable foundation, which does not aim (like any company, it is not dirty to say it) to earn money in the way as simple and quick as possible.

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In any case, the interest of the player being an ultimate goal, Ubisoft announces not to abandon its projects in the field, unlike those fragile GSC.

This is part of a paradigm shift in gaming. Switching from one economic system to another is not easy to manage. You have to go against a lot of habits and an ingrained state of mind. This takes time. We know it.

As for the simplistic assertion that can be read everywhere, that “NFTs are the new lootboxes”, the idea is swept away and the VP makes up for it by putting the player back at the center of the equation:

Well, the players are always right. Because they are our players, and we love them. And so, they are always right. But (…) it’s really a matter of personal choice. At no time will we force our players to use Quartz and Digits. We are simply informing them that there is a new system that could provide them with greater value than existing systems.

Finally, on speculation within games:

There’s the way we’ve built the platform in terms of the eligibility criteria. We made it quite difficult for people to access it. You must buy the game. You must play at least 2 hours. So it’s a bit complicated for pure speculators to go there, invest and inflate the markets.

To sum up, the players are always right except when they are wrong, because “they don’t know it yet, but it’s good for them”. Subtle, isn’t it?

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Source: www.finder.com.au

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