Home News PS5 Former 1C Entertainment becomes Fulqrum Games

Former 1C Entertainment becomes Fulqrum Games


Bought by the Chinese Tencent from the Russian giant 1C Company, the ex-studio 1C Entertainment changes its name and announces its strategy.

The company 1C Entertainment (Reverie Knights Tactics, World War I) subsidiary of the Russian video game giant 1C Companyis now renamed Fulqrum Gamesfollowing its acquisition by the Chinese ogre Tencent last February. The studio, which was based in Poland, had tried to keep a low profile during the Russian invasion of Ukraine. But the government had sanctioned it on its territory.

At the time of the purchase, Tencent had announced that it will rename the studio and its branches within 6 months. So it’s done, and the owner also specifies that a new future opens for them.

This change of identity reflects a new direction in the group’s overall strategy. As its name suggests (sic), the company aims to be universally recognized as the partner that every game developer can rely on to bring their talent and vision to life and deliver the best possible gaming experiences to a global audience through innovative concepts, inventive gameplay and original worlds that transcend the boundaries of video games.

Bottom line, Fulqrum Games wants to become “a first-class lever for the video game industry”. No connection to 1C.

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