Home News Fractured Online, the dynamic open-world MMORPG, finds a publisher

Fractured Online, the dynamic open-world MMORPG, finds a publisher


Fractured Online is a sandbox MMORPG where characters shape the world with a strong knowledge system and an interesting approach to economics.

The german group gamigo, a specialist in MMO-type games, has decided to step out of its comfort zone and explore new avenues by announcing a new … Open world sandbox MMORPG!

The title concerned by this publishing contract is currently in alpha is developed by Dynamight Studios. This in RPG comes in the form of an isometric view of cities built by the players in a dynamic map with a medieval-fantasy atmosphere. The game features an economy system that allows participants to shape cities from three worlds spread across multiple continents. Indeed, it will be more useful to be friends with the local blacksmith, able to create beautiful swords, than to go loot mobs in a dungeon.

Fractured Online also offers three species: humans, Wildfolk and demons.

Each of them has a different impact on the mechanics of the game., such as the type of society players may live in or the way they interact with other players. They have the opportunity to live in a peaceful community, where cooperation and defensive gameplay shine, or to apply their free will while trying to follow the rules of a feudal society, such as not breaking the law and do not kill other players as a human. For those preferring aggression, blood and terror, they can come to terms with their inner evil alignment by appearing as a demon. Once the species has been chosen, players can begin their quest for knowledge.

In particular, players will have to fight against the demons who prey on the PCs. The game also includes a very important knowledge system since players who accumulate knowledge will have many answers.

In Fractured Online, we believe in the saying “knowledge is power” by introducing the knowledge system. Our system rewards brave and intelligent players, not the hours they spend chasing rats in a cellar for random farmers.

– Jacopo Gallelli, co-founder and CEO of Dynamight Studios

Finally, the studio also announces over 400 combat abilities and 40 unique status changes, all for PvE battles or PvP for those who prefer human encounters. For now, no release date for this PC game, but the studio believes it wants to aim 2022 by increasing its workforce. You can already register on this site.

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