Home News Ghostbuster VR is coming to Meta Quest 2

Ghostbuster VR is coming to Meta Quest 2


Little surprise from the last Meta Quest Showcase, Ghostbuster VR is announced with a trailer that sets the tone. Want to hunt ghosts in VR?

Definitely, Ghostbusters on the side this year. While we had not seen the license for a long time, 2022 marks the comeback of ghost hunters. We already know that a cooperative shooter is planned for the end of the year and now nDreams (Shooty Fruity, The Assembly) announces Ghostbusters VR.

Heat up the protons on Meta Quest 2

Unfortunately, Ghostbusters VR has no release date, not even a window. We just know that the software will be playable alone or in cooperation up to three players and that he will ask us to survey several levels in which ghostly entities hide.

Moreover, the software is only planned on the Meta Quest 2 at present. While waiting for more information, you can always get an eyeful on the all-CGI trailer.

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