Home News PS5 God of War Ragnarok: collectors are already being scalped and sold at...

God of War Ragnarok: collectors are already being scalped and sold at a premium


The scalpers have been at it again. God of War Ragnarok offered no less than two collectors’ sets that are now out of stock, but some are already being resold at exorbitant prices.

Officialized at the same time as the release date, the collector’s editions of God of War Ragnarok opened their pre-order this morning at a handful of retailers around the globe and the scalpers have struck again.

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It’s not a new method, but one that has been widely promoted because of the PS5 and Xbox SeriesScalping (and we’re not talking about stock market strategy) is the practice of buying a generally sought-after item, and selling it at disproportionate rates.

After the PS5 and other Xbox Series X sold at more than 1000€.these are the Collector and Jotnar editions of God of War Ragnarok that can be found everywhere on the online resale sites at prices between 350€ and 1500€.that is to say up to 5 times more than the recommended retail prices which are 200€ (Collector’s Edition) and 260€ (Jotnar Edition).

In France, some of these “offers” can be found on Ebay (screen above), and our colleagues from VGC made the same discovery late this morning on the Australian version of the same site with of the Jotnar Editions proposed at not less than 1500$.

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So we’ll have to be patient and to wait for new stocks if you want to get your hands on one of the precious collector’s editions at their original price. Restocking is planned and some retailers haven’t even put their pre-orders online yet.

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