Home News God of War Ragnarok: Cory Balrog promises ‘something cool’

God of War Ragnarok: Cory Balrog promises ‘something cool’


Cory Balrog, the director of God of War, spoke through a short video. He succinctly touched on the progress of the work and promised “something cool” coming soon.

This April 20, the latest God of War celebrates its four years of existence. On this occasion Cory Balrogthe director of the game, enjoyed a short video appearance broadcast on his page Twitter to speak and discuss the sequel of which he is now the producer. He spoke in particular about the lack of communication of the next part, the release of which should normally be targeted for this year 2022, and not 2023 as some rumors have it.

“Something Cool” Is Coming

During its passage, Balrog assured that the team in charge of this long-awaited second opus is working hard to give a quality result, which should be close to perfection, if we trust the comments shared. A work of so much attention and so much pride that only asks to be shown. But as it stands, the studio isn’t ready to show anything just yet. However, it shouldn’t take too long, since “something cool” seems to be looming very soon.

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An enigmatic formula that can give rise to various guesses, but not numbers. The most appealing and spontaneous thought one could have is consistently heading towards the release date. Maybe we will finally be fixed. When? At Summer Game Fest 2022 or a little earlier on the occasion of a new event playstation. We’ll see…

We haven’t talked about it much – that’s because everyone’s got their heads down and working hard. […] We are perfectionists. Everyone is polishing the graphics, there’s so much going on right now that I wish I could share it with you, but it’s not ready to show yet. But I guarantee you the second we have something to share, we will, because we don’t want to hold anything back. So hold on tight, know that something cool is about to happen, and we, everyone here in Santa Monica, are incredibly grateful for all the support you’ve given us.

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