Home News PS5 God of War Ragnarok: Cory Barlog announces that “Ragnarok is coming!”

God of War Ragnarok: Cory Barlog announces that “Ragnarok is coming!”


You surely won’t have missed the heated controversies surrounding Santa Monica Studio’s PS5 production. But as the saying goes, “after the rain comes the good weather”. At least that’s what Cory Barlog, the creative director of the studio, seems to announce.

It seems that the cacophony surrounding God of War Ragnarok is on the way to return to order, or at least that’s what we hope. It must be said that we should never come to stories of harassment and exhibitionism for video games… But unfortunately, we can’t count on some (fan…atics) who obviously didn’t appreciate that the leaks were not verified.

Ragnarok is coming!

As a reminder, there were rumors about the planning of a reveal this June 30, 2022. But as you can see, it never happened. On the other hand Ragnarok is coming, and Cory Barlog himself says so.

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And this tweet is commented by Christopher Judgewho, let’s remember, is nothing else than the interpreter of Kratos. What to expect soon a reveal on God of War Ragnarok? Nothing is less sure. But it would not be impossible that PlayStation decides to say more quickly enough, to at least calm down the most tormented minds…

Santa monica calls for calm

Anyway, Santa Monica Studio has communicated via its tweeter account to call for a little more patience, dignity and respect.

Every person at Santa Monica Studio works to create a game we’re proud of, a game that we hope you enjoy playing once released;

Our fans inspire us. And we understand the passion and desire for more information. But that passion must not be toxic or at the expense of dignity of any human being.

Celebrating our community by treating every player and developer the same, with respect.

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