Home News PS5 God of War Ragnarok finally gets its release date

God of War Ragnarok finally gets its release date


Here it is, the news we’ve all been waiting for is no longer a mystery: God of War Ragnarok finally knows the date of its arrival on PS4 and PS5.

The turmoil around the game of Santa Monica has been many. The studio has even suffered several indecent behaviors from a certain category of “fans”. But, well, let’s put aside the most unfortunate points and focus on the essential information, which will brighten the day of most of you. Yes, today is a day of celebration: the release of the next God of War Ragnarok is no longer a matter of uncertainty.

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We were expecting it on June 30th, but finally it didn’t take long to know the date of the famous appointment.

And, it is in particular through a very short cinematic video, putting in scene our two heroes that are Kratros and Atreusthat God of War Ragnarok has made the big announcement: the long-awaited game will indeed be available November 9, 2022 on PS5 and PS4. So Bloomberg was right.

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There will be of course the standard edition but also the Deluxe and Collector editions, which we will describe in a very soon news.

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