Home News God of War Ragnarok will be released in 2022, and Sony says...

God of War Ragnarok will be released in 2022, and Sony says so


Per Cröm, Sony is fed up with God of War Ragnarok postponement rumors. To reassure everyone, Santa Monica reaffirms it: the Nordic apocalypse is coming in 2022.

After having known several rumors in recent months, Sony has whistled the end of recess for God of War Ragnarok. Announced for 2022 by a large publisher’s listing, it would have been postponed to 2023 according to some sources, information that was immediately denied by Jason Shreier but not by Sony. A silence that did not reassure players, although a retailer has meanwhile posted the game for next summer.

Now there’s nothing to worry about: the new opus of the saga God of War will be released in 2022, it is said, and repeated. Sony Santa Monica’s community manager announces it bluntly on Twitter:

We can not make it any clearer on the side of PlayStation. But Twitter being a world apart, populated by cheerful natives, some asked this official source to give his source to attest to his remarks. Since we tell you that the apocalypse is coming…

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For the record, the game is planned on PS4 and PS5 (and probably eventually on PC too, so we can mod it).

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