Home News Gambling Good results for Partouche in the last six months

Good results for Partouche in the last six months


Only a few days ago, the Partouche group published its results for the first half of the 2021-2022 fiscal year, which ended at the end of April. We have to admit that they are very encouraging.

Indeed, they show a profit again after a long period spent in the red because of the closure of its casinos following the international pandemic of the Covid-19 coronavirus.

As a result, the French operator is currently seeking to intensify its investments in order to carry out renovation work and improve the range of games on offer in several of its complexes.

Some rising figures published by the Partouche Group

The first half of the 2020-2021 fiscal year was marked by the international health crisis. Groupe Partouche was forced to close its casinos for several months in a row, which logically resulted in a heavy deficit. Fortunately, the pandemic gradually subsided during the first six months of the 2021-2022 financial year. As a result, the operator was able to return to profit.

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For example, its turnover increased fourfold from one fiscal year to the next, from 47.2 million euros to 187.2 million. As for the gross gaming product, it reached 290 million against only 50 million a year earlier.

As far as EBITDA is concerned, it became positive again at 34.2 million against a loss of 42 million previously. Finally, the net result has also returned to the green to reach 24.6 million euros against a loss of 88 million on April 30, 2021.

All these good results played on the indebtedness of the company which was contained to 55,7 million, which represents a decrease of 31,3 million compared to the end of the fiscal year 2020-2021 closed on October 31 last.

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Increased investment in some casinos

The Patouche group has nevertheless made it known that the frequentation of its establishments was nevertheless negatively impacted by the various constraints still in place at the time, including in particular the health pass which later became a vaccine. However, since they were lifted, the results have improved in a very encouraging way.

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All this excellent news allows the operator to be much more confident about the future. For this reason, it has decided to intensify its investment plan, which includes renovations and an increase in the number of games offered in several of its casinos.

These include the Lyon Vert in La Tour-de-Salvagny as well as its complexes in Palavas Les Flots and Annemasse among others.

In addition, it should also be noted that as of July 1, Groupe Partouche will be able to count on a new gaming establishment with the entry into force of the concession for the Middelkerke Casino in Belgium.

A major casino operator in Europe, Groupe Partouche is second only to Barrière in the French market in terms of gross gaming revenue. On the other hand, it is number 1 in terms of the number of establishments.

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