Home News PS5 Gotham Knights: a long gameplay sequence with Batgirl

Gotham Knights: a long gameplay sequence with Batgirl


After discovering its characters little by little with short videos, Gotham Knights is now coming back to us with a quite consistent gameplay sequence.

Recently, on the occasion of the Comic Comic of San Diego in particularWarner’s game offered us a quick look at one of its protagonists: Batgirl. The latter comes back to us today with a long gameplay sequence provided by IGN.

16 minutes of gamplay

And, it is thanks to 16 minutes that we can have a new glimpse of what the game will offer us. The excerpt sends us, as said above, to the side of Batgirl. The heroine, in charge of investigating a crime that took place at Gotham University, will find herself confronted with a whole bunch of unwelcoming people. But, nothing to fear, she is still a hardened fighter. And, while she can dispose of her enemies in a direct manner, she won’t mind using a safer, more discreet method… well, when she can, because, obviously, not all head-on confrontations can be avoided, like the one that concludes the video and that involves a rather imposing opponent.

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The passage shown, where we also see phases of exploration and investigation, can also be done with the other three characters present in the cast: Robin, Red Hood and Nightwing. The latter two in particular have also had their gameplay sequence a few months ago. It was at the same time as the communication of the cancellation of the PS4 and Xbox One versions of the game.

Thus, Gotham Knights is expected on October 25th on Xbox Series, PS5 and PC.

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