Home News 3DS GSC abandons its idea of ​​putting NFT in STALKER 2

GSC abandons its idea of ​​putting NFT in STALKER 2


The fashion of the moment will not touch GSC Game World’s post-apocalyptic survival game. The studio announces the cancellation of its plan to integrate NFT into the game.

Recently, the studio GSC Game World had followed the fashion of recent days (Nike, Ubisoft, Adidas, Wikipedia), and had announced, too, the integration of NFT in its next STALKER 2. But, as with Ubisoft, the news has been very badly received by the gaming community.

The studio had announced that through this integration, it could grow while continuing to do without a publisher for its games, and remaining independent. The first tokens had to relate to the faces of certain NPCs, “Who will not even be involved in the story” (so as not to “interfere with the user experience”), and later names associated with items such as drawings, gloves, badges …

Barely a few hours after the announcement, the studio has finally returned its jacket and announced the cancellation of the project. “Based on your feedback, we have made the decision to cancel everything related to NFTs in the game,” GSC specifies in a tweet which announces that “the interest of the fans remains the top priority”.

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