Home News Gundam Evolution: the return of the license in 2022 on PC and...

Gundam Evolution: the return of the license in 2022 on PC and consoles


The big robots will soon come back to the corner of the face, with a new adaptation of Bandai Namco planned this year on all media or almost.

The Gundam franchise never really stopped being a hit, since its beginnings at the end of the 70s, and its gradual arrival in France, in particular thanks to video games including the Mobile Suit Gundam. While Bandai Namco will continue to enjoy its license via the Netflix series scheduled for this summer but also the anime Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch from Mercury in October in Japana new game was announced at State of Play.

Gundam Evolution, that’s its name, is announced for 2022 on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series and PCin the form of a free-to-play with 6v6 matches. On Steam, the game will soon offer a test phase for players, from April 7 to 12and it will be necessary to register for this on the official website.

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We let you enjoy the robot fights presented at the Sony conference, and which await you in this umpteenth iteration in video games of one of the most profitable franchises of the Japanese group.

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