Home News Half-price 12-month PS Plus subscription for a limited time

Half-price 12-month PS Plus subscription for a limited time


The PlayStation Plus is paying a nice promo for the end of the year with a 1-year subscription at half price. And on December 18 and 19, it will be possible to try out multiplayer for free on PS4 and PS5.

The year 2021 is soon coming to an end, and it did not take more for PlayStation is doing a nice promo for its PlayStation Plus subscription service.

Indeed, the service benefits from a nice commercial operation since it benefits from 50% reduction, thus increasing from € 59.99 to € 29.99. But beware the offer has a limited time, since she expires on December 19 at midnight, or a little more than 6 days for you to decide.
To help you or not, here is the list of games offered for this month of December.

Of course, no need to say that as usual, this offer only benefits new subscribers.

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Another good news, and this one finally concerns the non-subscribers. The service will be free on November 18 and 19. An opportunity to play multiplayer mode of your favorite games on PS4 and PS5.

Should we see a last stand of Sony before the potential merger of this service with PlayStation Now? The Spartacus rumor may at least suggest so.

Source: store.playstation.com

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