Home News Halo Infinite doesn’t even have enough Xbox Series X left for its...

Halo Infinite doesn’t even have enough Xbox Series X left for its first tournament


Component shortages continue to hit the world and even force the Halo Championship Series to take place on Microsoft console development kits.

The (we know more) Covid-19 does not give up on us and continues to put sand in the cogs of the industry (of the whole world even). In all this mess the shortage of components continues to hurt the hardware, console or PC hardware market, so much so that Microsoft no longer even has Series X consoles in its reserves.

Suddenly, it is the very first official Halo Infinite tournament which paid the price and which had to take place … on kits initially planned for development.

It is Tahir Hasandjekic, leading esports thinker at Microsoft and 343 Industries, who dropped the info on Twitter while reassuring the players that the tournament was going well. After all, the dev kits have the same features as our home consoles, even if they don’t really look like them.

As Tahir Hasandjekic puts it, “the penuerie is real»And does not seem to want to work out. Microsoft is not the only player in the industry to have concerns, since both Nintendo and Sony must also deal with this problem. Not to mention Nvidia and AMD whose processors and other graphics cards have seen their prices explode. We haven’t left the inn yet.

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