Home News Halo Infinite: Season 2 “Lone Wolves” reveals its new maps

Halo Infinite: Season 2 “Lone Wolves” reveals its new maps


Halo Infinite’s free-to-play multiplayer will soon start its second season and will welcome two new maps, among other things: Catalyst and Breaker.

Scheduled to launch on May 3, 2022, season 2 of Halo Infinite is preparing its arrival and is gradually being revealed. 343 Industries reveals the two new cards that will land at the same time as the next season.

Two maps cut for the Big Team Battle

Initially planned for CTF (Capture the Flag) in BTB (Big Team Battle, 8v8), the two newcomers will finally be adapted to all game modes currently available.

The first of these cards, Catalyst, is described as being a symmetrical card carved out of a huge Forerunner build.

Catalyst is a symmetrical arena map nestled high inside a vast tunnel-like Forerunner structure. You’ll find waterfalls that tumble around suspended walkways, overgrown cathedral walls, and a bridge connecting the sides of the map.

The second, Breaker, on the other hand, is a semi-symmetrical map located in the heart of a landfill of dusty ships where players will be threatened by a huge plasma laser that will slice through the cabins. Two rooms, two atmospheres.

Breaker is a pseudo-symmetrical BTB map set in a banished junkyard where each team’s base is a huge piece of shipwreck, split by the plasma-cut beam structure in the middle. And yes, this beam is a dynamic element of the map that presents both opportunities and challenges in gameplay.

Of course, season 2 will be entitled to a brand new Battle Pass, new cosmetics to unlockand others to buy, but also several new game modes that won’t be unveiled until next week.

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Source: www.halowaypoint.com

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