Home News Have a Nice Death shows its gameplay

Have a Nice Death shows its gameplay


Magic Design Studios’ hand-drawn rogue-lite reveals its gameplay to us through a new trailer.

It is during the Game Awards 2021 that Have a Nice Death was announced through a very first video. This hand drawn 2D action rogue-lite and signed Magic Design Studios (Unruly Heroes) is expected on PC in early access for March 2022.

Published by Perfect World Entertainment (Remnant: from the Ashes, Magic: Legends, Torchlight III, Neverwinter), this one should, given its synopsis, adopted an offbeat tone that is not devoid of humor (black, of course). We will indeed embody Death, Founder and CEO of Death Incorporated, who will have to go the different floors of his business to remind everyone who’s the boss. The bosses to face will be like this the undisciplined plagues who are at the head of each department.

Responsible for collecting souls according to a certain quota, they have somewhat exceeded them and it is up to you to make them fall into line by force. It must be said that, thanks to them, Death is crumbling under paperwork and is on the verge of burnout. So now is the time to put things back in order before taking a well-deserved vacation.

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Departments of Death Inc. are procedurally generated and are full of employees of all kinds, not to mention Pump Quinn, Death’s intern and personal assistant who brings him all the latest company gossip.

To take part in hack n ‘slash fights waiting for you, over 30 weapons and spells will be at your disposal. But you won’t win every time, far from it. On the other hand, as you will embody Death, you will not be able to die and will therefore have the possibility of chaining the runs to achieve your ends. And every time you will pass by an assessment interview which will allow you to obtain various items and upgrades that could be of great use to you.

In order to better demonstrate the potential of their game, Magic Design Studios and Perfect World Entertainment have concocted the brand new trailer focused on gameplay which you can watch below.

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