Home News Here’s how to share your PS5 snaps from the PlayStation App

Here’s how to share your PS5 snaps from the PlayStation App


This long-awaited feature is finally available in France. You can now share your best PS5 shots and view them directly from the PlayStation App.

Admit that the manipulation was not very practical for share your best shots with your friends, it is now just a bad memory. Indeed, a dedicated feature is now available, directly from the PlayStation App.

How do I download the PlayStation App?

Yes let’s start there, it may seem obvious, but for take advantage of the many features that enrich your experience on PS5, do you still have to have it in your phone. And for this, nothing could be simpler since you just have to go to the app store -for Apple-, or Google Play Store -for systems running Android.

How to find your PS5 screenshots on the PlayStation App?

Pairing your PlayStation 5 with your app:

  • From the app following the manipulation Settings > Connect on PS5. Then manually enter the code or scan the QR code that appears.
  • From your PS5 going to Settings > Associate a console with the application.
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Note that for all this to work optimally, it is necessary that the PS5 is in rest mode and permanently connected to the internet.

How do you view and share your captures from the PlayStation App?

After having carried out the steps mentioned above, you are ready to share your talents as a photographer. In fact, you can now view your videos provided they are less than 3 minutes and that they are not in 4K resolution.

And for the share to your friendsyou just have to follow this step from the application: Library > Captures > Download > Shareto either send the photos in a party, or from a third-party application compatible.

Finally, you can pass directly from a party by selecting the + icon then Media and finally Captures.

Source: www.playstation.com

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