IO Interactive continues to pamper Hitman 3 and will soon offer it a new free destination along with storyline snippets.
Since its release, the excellent Hitman 3 continues to cram in free content and events of all kinds. But this time, IO Interactive is going all out with new narrative content and above all, a new map.
New free destination and a bit of storyline for Hitman 3
Direction Ambrose Island, a tropical island hidden not far from the Andaman Sea where a lot of criminals are living. This new playground, completely open as the previous ones, will also have the right to a bit of narration. The events that will lead 47 will indeed take place just before the plot of Hitman 3 and should therefore satisfy the fans. Ambrose Island will be available for free on July 16th on all supports.
Of course, Hitman 3 will continue to expand in the future. The summer is already looking hot for 47 which will have several fugitive targets to shoot this month of July before seeing disembarking an Arcade game mode on July 14th.