Home News Xbox Series X Hogwarts Legacy finally has a release date, but…

Hogwarts Legacy finally has a release date, but…


We were waiting for it and it was keeping the suspense alive, but now the game anchored in the Harry Potter universe finally has its date. And, it will not make only happy people…

Hogwarts Legacy is expected, to say the least. And so, it’s only natural that its audience is on the lookout for the slightest communication that will allow them to finally know the day they can get their hands on the game. An element that is no longer a secret and that abolishes the suspense that was maintained until now. So will it be released in 2022 or not?

The magic will wait until 2023

That’s it, maybe it was foreseen by some people and it won’t really surprise them, as for the others who were waiting impatiently for it to be released before the end of this year, there will certainly be disappointments.

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Yes, Hogwarts Legacywhich up to now has been targeting a 2022 window, is now expected to be released in February 10, 2023 on PS5, PS4, Xbox Series, Xbox One and PC. The Switch version has no release date yet, but should be revealed soon.

A bad news for some, who will probably find some comfort in the words shared by the team of the game via Twitter where It is explained that if there is a postponement today, it is only to refine the game to provide the best possible experience. So it’s all good.

Now we just have to wait for the game to show itself to the public a bit more, and not in a somewhat confidential way, like recently. Rumors speak of a State of Play in September, but that remains to be seen.

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