Home News Switch Hogwarts Legacy: the game will be present at gamescom with new images

Hogwarts Legacy: the game will be present at gamescom with new images


Despite the announcement of its postponement, Hogwarts Legacy does not intend to remain in the shadows. Thus, the game will be present at the Gamescom to reveal new images.

It is the famous presenter Geoff Keighley who announced the news via his Twitter account: Hogwarts Legacy will be present at the opening ceremony on August 23. So what’s in store for us?

Will Hogwarts Legacy pull out all the stops?

So far, it can’t be said that Avalanche Software’s software has gone small. Trailers, long presentations, there have been plenty of them. Therefore, the real question is if the fully single-player action-RPG can still surprise us during its Gamescom appearance.

If we expect to see a more or less long gameplay sequence, we don’t really know the content of it. Will combat be the main focus, or will we see an exploration of this rich world? Answer in a few days.

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Let’s finally recall one last time the information that hurt the wizarding community, Hogwarts Legacy is now scheduled for February 10, 2023 on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Series and later on Nintendo Switch.

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