Home News Horizon Forbidden West: Earn a trophy to help the planet

Horizon Forbidden West: Earn a trophy to help the planet


PlayStation is organizing a nice initiative that involves the player that you are. Because by winning a simple trophy, you contribute to planting a new tree on earth.

Global warming on our planet is more than a hot topic. And PlayStation has decided to fight against it in its own way by organizing a small quest to create a Aloy forest.

Horizon Forbidden Forest

You have surely seen it in the trailers or the gameplay extracts. Nature in Horizon Forbidden West has been reclaiming its rights for hundreds of years, but an evil is eating away at it from the inside.

We could almost transpose this observation to what we are experiencing today, except that the initiative has precisely the idea to create a small corner of nature for the good of the planet. And we owe that to a collaboration between PlayStation and the Arbor Day Foundation.

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A trophy for a planted tree

To help create the Forest of Aloy in the Great East, the principle is simple. Simply unlock the “Couards reached” trophy, then share on your Twitter account with #LaForêtdAloy. Every 5 trophies, PlayStation agrees to plant a tree.

Having the feeling of doing a good deed from your sofa is not bad, isn’t it?

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