Home News Horizon Forbidden West goes gold and slams the retina on PS4 Pro

Horizon Forbidden West goes gold and slams the retina on PS4 Pro


The sequel to Aloy’s adventures is coming to PS4 and PS5 very soon. The Guerrilla Games game has just gone gold and even has the luxury of offering us a magnificent video that runs on PS4 Pro.

The release of Horizon Forbidden West is fast approaching and the hypotheses of a possible postponement have definitely disappeared. Indeed, the next title of Guerrilla games will arrive on the scheduled date since it officially just went gold.

In other words, development is now complete and all that remains is to move on to the production of the patties. playstation take the opportunity to reward bonus new videos captured on PS4 Pro.

An opportunity to reassure ourselves about the graphic rendering of the old gen which promises to be monstrous. The PS4 obviously still has very good resources. We let you judge for yourself.

To finish, Horizon Forbidden West is expected on PS4 and PS5 for February 18. And for latecomers, you can go through the pre-order box by following this link.

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Source: blog.uk.playstation.com

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