Home News PS5 Horizon Forbidden West: patch 1.17 adds VRR, 120Hz and more

Horizon Forbidden West: patch 1.17 adds VRR, 120Hz and more


Guerrilla updates its latest baby to take advantage of the latest PS5 technologies and fixes several bugs in the process.

There’s a reason why Horizon Forbidden West remains nailed to the top of the sales charts, since in addition to being an excellent vintage, the game benefits from regular support from its developers.

This is once again the case today with patch 1.17 which adds (exclusively on PS5) the support of VRRwhich allows toto reach 60 fps in a dynamic waybut also a 120Hz option for compatible displays. However, we are not talking about constant 120 fps, but just a higher refresh rate to avoid image breaks. On the other hand, a new “balanced” graphics mode makes its entrance for a smooth and pretty experience at around 40 fps.
In addition to this, there are several bug fixes and a handful of balancing.

Horizon Forbidden West Patch 1.17 on PS5 and PS4


  • Support for variable refresh rate (VRR) and high refresh rate (HFR)
  • VRR improves dynamic resolution scaling to 60Hz
  • VRR & HFR can target a refresh rate between 60Hz and 120Hz
  • New “balanced” graphics mode introducing a 40 Hz mode


“We are currently investigating several issues reported by the community. Please note that these issues are not yet resolved in this patch, but our teams are aware of them and are investigating.”


Performance and stability

  • Several crash patches.

Main quests

  • Fixed an issue in the main quest “Wings of Ten” where the objective “Defeat Regalla” was not updating.
  • Fixed an issue with the objectives of the main quest “Wings of Ten”
  • Fixed an issue in the main quest “All that remains” where the cinematic with Tilda after the gallery might not start.
  • Fixed an issue in the main quest “The Broken Sky” where sometimes Dekka was behind Hekarro’s throne during the “Talk to Dekka” objective.

Side Quests

  • Fixed an issue in the side quest “Shadow in the West” where the objective “Kill Vezreh and His Mac hine” was not updating.
  • Fixed an issue in the side quest “Gate of the Vanquished” where the objective “Defeat Yarra/Drakka” was not updating.

Open World

  • Fixed an issue in Errand “Nights of Lights” where collecting certain items and materials earlier would block progress.
  • Fixed issues in “The Stillsands” where objectives could get stuck.


  • Various bug fixes with some enemies


  • Fixed a problem where “elemental arrows” in fully upgraded bows would destroy cartridges instead of exploding them.
  • Fixed an issue where using “Elite Precision Arrows” with “Iriv’s Fall” would not deal additional damage to enemies in the “Breaking” state.

User interface/user experience

  • Updated text to select “Ultra difficult” difficulty to clarify that the setting cannot be changed.
  • Exclamation mark icon removed when all skills have been unlocked and skill points are available.


  • Fixed an issue where “Desert Bird Wing” could not be retrieved from birds.
  • Fixed an issue where the “All machine types scanned” trophy would not unlock, if scanning the remaining machines in NG +
  • Fixed an issue where changing the “Crouch/Glide” button to R1 made it unusable.
  • Multiple localization and subtitle corrections and improvements.

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