Home News Horizon Forbidden West presents its machines and its PS4 version

Horizon Forbidden West presents its machines and its PS4 version


For the first time, Guerrilla Games is showing what PlayStation 4 is capable of with the sequel to Horizon Zero Dawn. The PS5 is also still put forward via a trailer that reviews the old and new mechanical enemies of this unprecedented adventure.

Horizon Forbidden West puts the package on its communication before its release on February 18, 2022 on PS4 and PS5, again recently with the Game Awards 2021 trailer.

Today, Guerrilla Games focuses with another trailer that gives pride of place to the machines you will have to face in this sequel, whether new or old, in always sumptuous settings.

A PS4 version up to the task?

A few hours ago, the studio also wanted to communicate for the first time on the PlayStation 4 version with official captures:

The differences are clearly palpable, despite the cross-gen status, but the PS4 should come out like a big one. First images therefore, but the differences had already been discussed, in particular to affirm that the PS5 version would not be constrained by the older generation.

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Bastien Ramisse, person in charge of infographics, added on this subject:

Each generation of consoles brings a surplus of power which allows us to add even denser polygons to our character models, so that we can create finer details, such as a light down, smooth outlines or even more precise texture details and more realistic materials. The visual aspects aren’t the only ones to benefit from the hardware advancements of the PlayStation 5: we were also able to increase the number of skeletal joints in order to bring deformations and facial expressions to a level never before reached for ever more realistic characters. In short, it’s a dream come true for gamers and developers alike!

We have developed and tested the game simultaneously on PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5, as it is essential for us as a studio that players on PlayStation 4 have an equally immersive experience.. From what we learned in Horizon Zero Dawn, we knew we could still tap unexplored resources to improve the realism and quality of our character assets. It’s great that today we can use that experience to create the sequel.

Artistically speaking, Horizon Forbidden West builds on the foundations laid by the successful design of Horizon Zero Dawn. The most notable differences and improvements for Aloy in terms of technology relate to the optimization of the accuracy of capturing facial and body movements, resulting in more realistic shapes and surface details on the characters. Increasing the density of polygons also improves the representation of artisanal or worn outfits..

Between the various videos and the words of the developers, are you reassured about the potential of the title from a technological point of view?

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