Home News Horizon Forbidden West reveals two tribes in video captured on PS5

Horizon Forbidden West reveals two tribes in video captured on PS5


Almost a month from its release, Guerilla Games is expanding its communication a little more around the continuation of the adventures of Aloy. And this time it concerns the new tribes that you will be able to meet in Horizon Forbidden West.

Are you excited to explore Horizon Forbidden West? Well we too … Rest assured, to make us wait, Guerilla Games were kind enough to publish a new article which goes into detail on the new tribes that you will have the pleasure of meeting in this brand new opus.

You may have known the Carjas, the Oserams or even the Banuks? It will now also be necessary to deal with Utarus and the Tenakths which ride among other things on huge war elephants … Here without further ado the presentation video.

As a reminder, Horizon Forbidden West is expected to on February 18 on PS4 and PS5.

Source: blog.fr.playstation.com

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