Home News It’s official, the one-year subscription to PS Now is canceled

It’s official, the one-year subscription to PS Now is canceled


While waiting to remove the monthly subscription from its PS Now, Sony has already removed the annual offers on its official website. RIP little angel.

What could be more normal since the service will disappear next June when PS Now and PS Plus will form Sony’s new program?

It is therefore a first step triggered by the company which has permanently cut part of his subscription. On the PS Store, it is no longer possible to take one year subscription to PS Now… but still monthly subscriptions if you wish (and be part of the 5% still interested).

As a reminder, the new PS Plus will merge the two previous offerings, including PS Now, which was offered at €59.99 per year. Now, with the new service, users will enjoy the benefits of PS Plus and PS Now via three levels from €59.99 to €119.99 per year. And it will be necessary to pay the highest price, the equivalent of the two current subscriptions, to have the same advantages.

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