Home News Layer Section & Galactic Attack S-Tribute becomes official

Layer Section & Galactic Attack S-Tribute becomes official


It was previously revealed by a classification body, the shoot ’em up Layer Section & Galactic Attack S-Tribute becomes official.

Revealed recently by the Taiwanese classification body, the tribute title of the shoot ’em up first released on an arcade machine before joining the Saturn from SEGA in 1995 has now been made official by City Connection.

Layer Section & Galactic Attack S-Tribute will be released at the end of this month, April 28, 2022on PlayStation 4 and Switch then a little later on Xbox One, and PC (Steam). Pending its availability, in digital format only, a demo is already available on the platforms of Sony and Nintendo.

In parallel, other titles bearing the label Tribute-S have been put forward. City Connectionin collaboration with Taito (whose titles are affected), will soon launch the following revisitations:

  • Puzzle Bobble 2X and Puzzle Bobble 3
  • Elevator Action Returns
  • Metal Black
  • Cleopatra Fortune
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