Home News Xbox One Looney Tunes come to Hot Wheels Unleashed

Looney Tunes come to Hot Wheels Unleashed


After the Monster Trucks and the DC Comics supervillains, the racing game Hot Wheels Unleashed welcomes the crazy world of the Looney Tunes.

After a year 2021 full of new features, Hot Wheels Unleashed will continue to entertain its community with expansion packs. At the beginning of 2022, the game had the opportunity to introduce oversized 4x4s and now, it’s the turn of a totally crazy universe to get on the starting line.

Beep Beep and Hot Wheels

The drivers can therefore grab the new Looney Tunes expansion pack on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Series and Switch now. While it can be purchased on its own, it is also included in Hot Wheels Pass Vol. 3.

On the program, cartoonish” races that can be contested with 5 new miniature vehicles like Daffy Duck or Vil Coyote. In addition, there is a new circuit building module and various customization items for your basement and player profile. But the icing on the cake is the new environment.

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Indeed, Looney Tunes Adventure Park opens its doors and it’s fair to say that there is a lot to do. The place is divided into 4 zoneseach one offering different activities. For example, one of them will lead you to the land of Vil Coyote for a little Beep Beep hunt with the help of devastating rockets which you can see below.

Are you still here? To your little cars!

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