Home News Lornsword Winter Chronicle returns to new platforms

Lornsword Winter Chronicle returns to new platforms


The RTS Lornsword Winter Chronicle from French studio Tower Five has just been released for PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X / S.

Two years after its release, Lornsword Winter Chronicle is back on consoles new-gen. This strategy game is built around a story and a strong narration.

You embody Corun Lan Ka, a general who will have to lead his troops to the conquest of new lands and defend his own in the face of terrifying threats. Like any good RTS, you will need to manage your resources and units well to achieve victory.

a friend can also join you at any time during a battle, without having to restart or even pause the game. You will then share the screen, resources and summons.

Edited by Microids Indie, Lornsword Winter Chronicle is the fourth title to join this label intended for support independent studios and developers in the creation of their games.

We are pleased to be able to accompany Tower Five on this title as it arrives on PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X | S as well as the PC update. Lornsword Winter Chronicle is a game that RTS fans will love and to add such a title to the Microids Indie catalog is a real pride. Through this label, we are committed to offering players a variety of experiences that complement the Microids catalog. We strongly believe in Lornsword Winter Chronicle to further democratize console RTS.

– Vincent Dondaine, VP Microids Indie.

At the same time, the Steam version will also be updated.

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Find now Lornsword Winter Chronicle on PS5, PS4, Xbox Series X / S, Xbox One and PC.

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