Home News Lost Ark unveils its new roadmap for April and May, with two...

Lost Ark unveils its new roadmap for April and May, with two new classes


Before going out all over the world, Lost Ark, the MMO from Smilegate and Amazonwas only available in South Korea and has been since 2018. When it was released globally, the game therefore arrived on our servers in a very different version of the Korean edition, which has many new features due to the many updates the game has had since its release. So it was not only a matter of time for this additional content to join the global version of Lost Ark. Now it’s through of a roadmap that Amazon and Smilegate reveal to us all the new features that will enrich their game In the coming months.

The Lancer, new class

So now we know all the new things that will join Lost Ark during the months of April and May. First of all, during April, it is a new advanced class for the martialist that will be coming to the game, the spear. This new advanced class will take advantage of its impressive arsenal, consisting of a sword, a spear and its unique skills to ensure an artistic and deadly fighting style. This new advanced class will have two separate sets of abilities, Focus and Unleash. In Unleashed stance, the spearwoman will use his short spear in order to attack faster and in Focus, his sword will allow you to inflict more powerful attacks. This advanced 5th class of the Martialist will store energy during its first form in order to obtain a characteristic bonus during its transition to its second posture.

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It’s also a whole new continent, Bern-south, who will join Lost Ark in April. In this verdant and rich region, a whole new branch of the game’s history is offered to playerswho will have to elucidate the mysteries of Bern-Sud by exploring this brand new Tier 3 continent. However, it will only be accessible at the end of the game, since it requires an item level of 1340.

The Destroyer in May

The month of May will also see its share of new features arriving in Lost Ark.. Another new advanced class will join the game for warriorsbecoming their 4th advanced class, the destroyer. Equipped with a mighty hammer, he will embody destruction on the battlefield. Right here, it’s a very naughty fighting style that is put forwardthe skills of the Destroyer being mainly focused about rushing in and annihilating your enemieswhile impacting their characteristics, by slowing them down, projecting, pushing or attracting them.

New challenges also await players in May, Guardian Raids. In this new weekly activity, it will be possible fight Guardians 3 times in Trials. Each of them has its own recommended item level and one of them will be replaced each week by a new Guardian. Unlike classic Guardian Raids, here, the “balance of harmony” effect will be applied so that your character’s item level is adjusted depending on the enemies you will face. The Battle Workshop will not be available in the raid region but these will have great rewardsrecoverable once a week for each Guardian defeated.

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During May, it will therefore be Deskaluda’s Guardian Raid that will join Lost Ark. This powerful enemy will ask you an item level of 1415 to participate. At his side, a new Legion Raid is also joining the game, Valtan’s Raidon normal or hard difficulty. Here an item level of 1415 is also requiredin order to participate in this first Legion Raid of the Western version of Lost Ark.

In their roadmap, however, Amazon and Smilegate specify that these new features won’t be the only ones joining Lost Ark during these updates and that they will reveal more information regarding potential new additions in the days and weeks to come. They also plan to present a new roadmap this time concerning the summer period after the release of the April and May updates.

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