Home News Mainframe raises 20 million for cloud MMORPG

Mainframe raises 20 million for cloud MMORPG


Mainframe Industries’ cloud gaming MMORPG will be a “persistent living world in which people will feel at home for years, if not decades.”

Back when Stadia was still a very promising hype, in 2019, the independent studio Mainframe Industries had launched, dedicated to a MMORPG project on the cloud. The idea was to take full advantage of the capabilities of cloud gaming to design a gigantic and ambitious universe, supported by AI and unconstrained systems. Words from its founder and CEO Thor gunnarsson, this future game will be “a persistent living world in which people will feel at home for years, if not decades.”

After these beautiful promises that we would only like to believe, there has not been much so far. Without video or concrete information, this new title “cloud-native” all the same interested investors since $ 2.2 million were lifted at the time, then 7.6 million last year and finally 20.3 million additional this Tuesday.

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In this fundraising, we notably count Riot Games, the developer of League of Legends, Kevin lin, the creator of Twitch, or Michael morhaime, co-founder of Blizzard. The government funding agency Business Finland brought 3 million to this fundraiser.

Note that the company does not design its own cloud system. This one should be supported by Microsoft according to the latest rumors. Mainframe is in the process of “building its team” which has doubled in one year, and preparing soon “things to reveal to the public”, according to SiliconAngle.

Some pictures of the pre-alpha:

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Source: www.gamesindustry.biz

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