Home News mandatory mount-back fights? News @VGR

mandatory mount-back fights? News @VGR


There is still a lot to discover on Elden Ring. But on Torrent, the magnificent steed, we are now fixed.

While Torrent, a graceful mount that we got a glimpse of in our preview, will be offered to Elden Ring players, many wonder if the horse will have any other use than just allowing us to climb mountains, or if it would be. useful in sequences which are entirely dedicated to it.

This is the question that the daddy of the software, Hidetaka Miyazaki, responded in an interview that we had already learned that he would never touch the game.

When we ask Miyazaki-san if Torrent will be mandatory during any fights for example, the latter answers us quite simply not. Although it is a very viable option, players will be completely free to make their choices.

Nothing will therefore be imposed, the studio preferring to keep its desire to offer maximum freedom in the approaches, something that we had already seen during our preview.

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As a reminder, Elden ring is still scheduled for the February 25, 2022 on PS5, Xbox Series, PC as well as PS4 and Xbox one.

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