Home News Switch Mario + Rabbids: the franchise will undergo a major change

Mario + Rabbids: the franchise will undergo a major change


On October 20, the Rabbids will make their return in a new game that holds a big surprise for fans.

Mario + Rabbids: Spark of Hope, a direct sequel to Kingdom Battle, is one of the Switch exclusives of 2022 Expected to be released in the near future. The turn-based tactical RPG is sure to provide plenty of laughs and a relaxed atmosphere. However, fans might be surprised by this title.

Goodbye Bwaaaaah, hello our language

Indeed, during an interview, Xavier Manzanarès, lead producer of the game at Ubisoft, spoke about the next opus and what it would contain. Among this wealth of information, one in particular caught people’s attention: The Rabbids will finally talk. No more “Bwaaaah”, just our language.

Our man goes on to explain that each Raving Rabbit will have its own voice dubbed by an actor or actress. He still detailed the reasons behind this choice:

The big difference for the Rabbits is that for the first time, the “Rabbit heroes” will speak – in text but also in voice! We wanted to hear them, to hear their personality… So there is an actor behind each Rabbit… It’s the first time this has happened and it’s another example of trying to push some of the elements of the first game even further.

Still, questions remain: Will there be an in-game explanation for this sudden change of heart? Is Mario involved in this sudden change? While this is obviously not the most important thing in the case of a game like Rabbids, many are curious to see how this will play out.

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The answer will be given to us on October 20, 2022, knowing that the game is a Nintendo switch exclusive.

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