Home News Micromania fined for questionable practices

Micromania fined for questionable practices


But what is happening at Micromania? Some of you have undoubtedly noticed the huge yellow banner which spoils your unacknowledged pleasure of browsing your site. Here is its reason for being.

Everyone has already been confronted with this type of announcement. Whether it is the tabloids accustomed to the fact, for their disrespect of individual freedoms and invasion of privacy, where others, it is not uncommon to see a first page of a print journal or website decked out with an unsightly insert on a yellow background that’s hard to miss.

It is of course never with good grace that this takes place but rather following an administrative decision ordering a company to inform the public of what he is accused of. Well Micromania, the French company specializing in video games, has in turn paid the price.

Not only does the ad appear at the head of all the pages of his site, but she even had to make a communication about it on social networks, pinned there too at the top of each of them (Twitter, Instagram, Facebook).

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The reason for this advertisement which she would have gone well, especially in the run-up to Christmas, is that theGameStop sign has just been sentenced for “deceptive marketing practices»By the Departmental Directorate for the Protection of Populations (DDPP) of the Alpes-Maritimes.

The concern comes from warranty offers offered to its customers to support the sale of a product. Indeed, in France, the regulations is clear about this in order to protect consumers, but Micromania apparently didn’t care.

Following a national survey carried out in the matter, it was noted various breaches and infractions in this area and asked the company to end to such behavior.

He is accused of:

  • to present consumers with a confused information about their rights in terms of warranty,
  • to propose a insurance through a broker as an extension of warranty falling within the scope of the commercial guarantee,
  • and D’impose conditions not provided for by law as part of the legal warranty, such as the obligation to activate this “warranty extension” within 15 days on the store site.
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Following this obligation to provide information and to end the incriminated practices, Micromania could also be subject to a fine and of individual and / or collective lawsuits by aggrieved consumers. A case which could therefore not end there.

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