Home News Xbox One Midnight Suns presents its 5-star roster with gameplay

Midnight Suns presents its 5-star roster with gameplay


The tactical game from Firaxis offers us a tour of its roster with several minutes of gameplay to introduce its superheroes.

Expected October 7th on PS5, Xbox Series, PC, PS4 and Xbox OneMarvel’s Midnight Suns is being revealed little by little.

A lot of characters

Dr Strange, Spider-Man, Iron-Man or Blade will be among the playable superheroes in this game that mixes tactical and deck-builder. The software will feature turn-based battles where the placement and use of power cards will be at the center of the experience. A rather atypical recipe for a game inspired by a license that we are used to see exploding on screen.

If the game proposes to create its own hero from scratch, Midnight Suns relies on its 5 star cast composed of a large number of well-known faces. The developers keep offering short gameplay sequences to introduce them in turn.

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We learn for example that Dr Strange will be a real support able to hinder his enemies while supporting his allies with healing or buffs, Iron-Man will be more damage oriented and will be able to take advantage of the weapons and technologies of his armor to clean up where Spider-Man will prefer to use his great mobility to turn the fight around.

For the moment, nearly ten heroes are confirmed. In addition to those mentioned above, we can also count on, Captain America, Captain Marvel, Ghost Rider, Scarlet Witch, Magik or again Wolverine. No doubt that the cast will gradually fill up, especially since at Marvel there is plenty to do.

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