Home News Xbox One Modern Warfare 2: images leak on the net and confirm the rumors

Modern Warfare 2: images leak on the net and confirm the rumors


Players have once again broken embargoes to leak several images of the game, confirming at the same time the arrival of a new game mode.

Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2, described as a real revolution by Activision, is coming to us on October 28 on consoles and PC. The software still has a few months ahead of it to seduce its audience and should also benefit from The Call of Duty League competition weekend from August 4 to 78 to show itself. Except some smartass decided to leak images themselves before Infinity Ward did anything.

Deja vu menus and a new game mode

More precisely, they are players of the professional scene belonging to the team LA Rams who shared on their social networks several images and short videos of an event in which they participated. One can see in particular the menu of the multiplayer mode, rather similar to what we already know, but especially the presence of the DMZ mode.

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This game mode has been the subject of several rumors and should represent a whole new Call of Duty experience on its own. If we still don’t know what it is exactly, The DMZ mode will be present in the next Modern Warfare 2.

Call of Duty wants to come back in force

Revolution or not, the next part of Call of Duty’s history is coming soon and Activision seems to be betting big on its golden goose. Although it is very often criticized, the FPS of Acti remains a sure value and an important brandAt least enough to give Sony cold sweats when it imagines the license at Microsoft.
On the other hand, the release of Modern Warfare 2 should be quickly followed by Warzone 2another highly anticipated title that is also supposed to be a real revolution for the saga.

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