Home News Monster Hunter Rise reaches a new level

Monster Hunter Rise reaches a new level


While it has just been released on PC (on January 12) Monster Hunter Rise has reached a new level in terms of sales.

Available for almost a year on Switch, the title of Capcom has been approaching recently on computer through the Steam platform. A new arrival which will also allow the game to inflate its already impressive sales figure.

Since its launch, March 26, 2021, Monster Hunter Rise has sold – both in its physical and digital version – more than 8 million copies worldwide. A result obtained more slowly than its predecessor, Monster Hunter World. This last, released in 2018, had indeed reached and surpassed this figure in just over five months. However, unlike rise, it appeared, on the day of its launch, on two platforms: PS4 and Xbox One.

We will closely follow its progress. Maybe (well there is a good chance) that it will reach the 10 million mark by the release of its Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak expansion next summer.

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