Home News Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak Reveals New Monster and Zone

Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak Reveals New Monster and Zone


The big extension of Monster Hunter Rise is coming soon and the app is raising the sauce by presenting some of its new features.

Provided for next June 30, Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak will ship a lot of content when it was released, as Iceborne was able to do with Monster Hunter World. Today, a new area and a large new monster are unveiled by Capcom.

The Garangolm and the Citadel, two new features of Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak

DLC size XXL, Sunbreak intends to do things big. Moreover, we already know some of these novelties like the new HUB, the port city of Elgado, as well as a handful of new monsters like the Lunagaron, the ancient dragon Malzeno or the presence of certain stars of the license and several monster variants from Monster Hunter Rise.

This does not prevent Capcom from continuing its teasing as evidenced by the two new videos unveiled which highlight the new Citadel area and the large monster Garangolm.

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The Citadel will therefore be one of the new hunting grounds made available to us. A sector where a castle in ruins sits and where several types of biomes are joined (forest, swamp, etc.).

Then it’s the Garangolm which is highlighted in a gameplay video dedicated to it. If visually this huge armored ape shares some similarities with the Rajang and Barroth, however it has its own mechanics. The latter looks somewhat formidable and will have the ability to enrage using elemental abilities.

Sunbreak therefore promises to be rather extensive, but we can only be surefrom June 30, 2022 on Switch and computer.

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