Home News Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak will get a new livestream in May

Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak will get a new livestream in May


Monster Hunter Rise’s big expansion, Sunbreak, will show up again by May and promises some surprises.

Capcom continues to reveal what its big DLC ​​hides, so much so that we thought we knew almost everything. Nay! The firm informs us thata new livestream dedicated to Monster Hunter Rise arrives next May 10 at 4:00 p.m. and obviously, the developers still have a lot to show us.

Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak still hides its game

Like Iceborne in its time on Monster Hunter World, Sunbreak will be an imposing DLC ​​and will bring a multitude of content. We already know that many creatures will be back, that new monsters will also make their entrance and thata whole new area will appear. But obviously, that’s not all and Capcom now intends to tell us about new features related to gameplay.

We can therefore already expect many gameplay sequences and certainly to the revelations of new creatures to hunt. In any case, the appointment is made.

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As a reminder, Sunbreak is expected on nintendo-switch and PC from June 30th.

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