Home News Monster Trucks Join Hot Wheels Unleashed

Monster Trucks Join Hot Wheels Unleashed


Mattel’s list of miniature toy cars available in the game will soon be counted among their ranks of oversized 4x4s.

Released September 30, 2021 on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series and Switch, Hot Wheels Unleashed, the racing game concocted by Milestone that puts you behind the wheel of the famous toy cars from Mattel, which has been constantly offering us new models, from the most realistic to the most eccentric, since 1968, will be adorned with a expansion pack starting the April 21, 2022.

named Hot Wheels – Monster Trucks, this will contain 5 new vehicles, a building module of circuit, objects of personalization for basement and player profile, as well asa new environment. And the latter, the Stop Motion Studio, will offer 4 dioramas different: jungle, quarry, desert and snowy mountain.

Included in the Flight Pass. 2 of the game, which you can buy from the February 17 and which will bring a total of 9 vehicles, 3 customization packs, as well as 3 circuit construction modules, the Monster Trucks DLC can also be purchased separately.

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