Home News Mortal Kombat 12 or Injustice 3? Ed Boon is teasing

Mortal Kombat 12 or Injustice 3? Ed Boon is teasing


The father of Mortal Kombat, one of the most famous combat licenses, has fun teasing the future project of NetherRealm.

Whether it’s a sequel to Mortal Kombat, a third installment for Injustice, a second crossover between the two universes, or a brand new game, it looks like something exciting is brewing at NetherRealm.

So, Mortal Kombat 12 or Injustice 3? But tell us Ed!

Anyway, that’s what it says Ed Boon during an interview with Game Informer. After going back to his beginnings when he worked on arcade terminals, on the sketches of the first mortal kombat or on its relationship with the license, the American let go and ended up teasing the studio’s next game, since when asked what NetherRealm is preparing, the latter answers:

I can just say that for 10 years we did one Mortal Kombat and one Injustice and then another Mortal Kombat and another Injustice and when we broke that pattern there was a lot of speculation around what we were going to do next . I can tell you now that there was a reason for that, and when we announce our next game it will make a lot more sense.. But at this point I’m gonna be in a lot of trouble if I say more

So it looks like Ed Boon and NetherRealm are preparing a little surprise for us.. While all eyes are on one Mortal Kombat 12, or an Injustice 3, it could well be something else entirely. The most credible track in view of these last words would indeed be a Mortal Kombat VS DC Universea crossover license that we haven’t seen since 2008. But who knows, we’re not immune to a new IP.

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And you, what excites you the most?

Source: www.gameinformer.com

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