Home News Moss: Book II, PSVR exclusivity will end this summer

Moss: Book II, PSVR exclusivity will end this summer


Polyarc’s little mouse will not be limited to Sony’s headset for very long and will quickly join other VR supports.

Like its predecessor, Moss: Book II was primarily released on PSVR. But given the quality of the first episode, seeing its sequel only available on Playstation was heartbreaking for all other VR players, especially since this one is also a success, as our test explains.

Tam Armstrong, co-founder and CEO of Polyarc, is well aware of this and announced, during the Meta Quest Gaming Showcasethat the title will be released on Meta Quest 2 this summer.

We don’t know yet if the adventures of quill will be fleshed out in this version or if they will be similar to Sony’s console, but we can’t wait to play it autonomously with real controllers of movements.

As to PCVR playersthey are not forgotten but will still have to wait a little longer to enjoy. It is not said, however, if a PSVR 2 version will be on the program, but it remains clearly uncertain since the new Playstation headset will not be released before 2023.

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