Home News Xbox Series X Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord to be released from early access soon

Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord to be released from early access soon


After spending more than two years in early access, the latest installment in the cult Mount & Blade series will finally roll out its 1.0.

The studio TalesWorlds Entertainment took advantage of the opening day of Gamescom 2022 to unveil the full release date of Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord.

Cavalry coming soon

The medieval combat simulation and role playing game will go to 1.0 on October 25th. It will also be released on PS4, PS5, Xbox One and Series. Of course, the copies on consoles will inherit the same features and gameplay mechanics as those on PC. Subsequently, the game will continue to receive updatesalthough at the moment their contents are unknown.

This is all well and good, but you may not be familiar with the series or what to expect. A little reminder is necessary. This new game is still set in the world of Calradia, but 200 years before the events of Mount & Blade: Warband. The starting point is simple, the Calradian Empire is close to collapse and various factions take advantage of this to try to take control of the continent.

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The player will have the choice between a single player campaign in a sandbox style or different multiplayer game modes. In both cases, you will have to show a great strategic mind and a good capacity of management of the economy.

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