Home News Xbox Series X MultiVersus: two new characters planned for season 1

MultiVersus: two new characters planned for season 1


MultiVersus has just entered its first season and already teases two new fighters to come in a few weeks.

After being postponed for refinement, the season 1 of MultiVersus finally arrived this Monday, August 15 and should last several weeks. In addition to bringing the ranked mode and a new Battle Pass, this first season should also be marked by the arrival of many characters.

New DC hero and Gremlins arrive in MultiVersus

We already know that Rick and Mortyfrom the eponymous cartoon, will soon be entering the arena. Morty will be the first to enter the dance on August 23followed closely by his comrade who does not have a release date yet.
Nevertheless, Warner wished to reveal us the two next heroes, also planned to arrive during this first season.

They are Black Adama famous DC comic book hero who will have his own movie at the end of the year, and Stripe, the bad chief Gremlins of the first movie. However, we have nothing more to put under the teeth, the release date and the kits of the characters will be revealed later.

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If you want to test the game, know that MultiVersus is available in free to play on PS5, Xbox Series, PC, PS4 and Xbox One.

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