Home News New images for Syberia 4, “The World Before”

New images for Syberia 4, “The World Before”


The new installment of the Syberia franchise will be released next March. Last straight line for Microids which gives us a batch of new images of the game.

Nostalgic session with Microids, who shares a press release with a salvo of new screenshots for the latest Syberia. Not a link to a portal or social network, not a video, you read that right: images who do not move and which bring us back to 90% of the news from the web press of 15 years ago.

It is therefore of new screenshots which are broadcast here, 20 years after the start of the Syberia saga by the late Benoît Sokal. What to enjoy new views of the heroine Kate Walker in her next adventure, which will be available to everyone March 18, 2022 on PC via GOGEpic Games Store and Steam.

The console release is currently set for 2022.

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