Home News New Info For Modern Warfare II: Release, Characters, And More

New Info For Modern Warfare II: Release, Characters, And More


Modern Warfare II has new info. Its release date is becoming official and new rumors, in particular concerning the platforms that would host it, are also surfacing.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II is getting some new info, putting an end to speculation around its release date, although there was no doubt that it would arrive as usual at the end of the year. But today, Activision brought more precision by dropping the exact day of the appointment: the new entry in the series of FPS will be available to players from October 28, 2022. And for now, the names of the platforms that will host it remain unknown, although there is little doubt that it will also appear on the “old” brackets Sony and Microsoft. This is what a certain source says.

A cross-gen game

It is true that it is difficult to see Activision immediately abandoning the consoles of the penultimate generation, given the existence of the shortage affecting new machines. However, given the previous statement about the revolution that this new opus would cause, one would have expected such a direction. Something which should therefore not be the case according to the reputable leaker CharlieINTEL: Modern Warfare II would be released of course PS5, PS4, Xbox Series, Xbox One and PC.

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Return of the Ghost

Information that is not shocking and quite logical, therefore, which is also accompanied by other much more official information.

Indeed, on the occasion of the raising of the curtain on its release date, this new call of duty also revealed the return operator Ghost. Moreover, for his part, the actor who lends him his voice also split a tweet to announce his participation in the production of the title.

Other heads also known have shown themselves, via a video in particular. These are the agents of the “Task Force 141”: Gaz, Soap, Alejandro and Price.

More info on June 8?

If we turn, this time, to the seasoned journalist Tom Henderson, we learn a little more. Already, he gives us a clue as to the different geographical areas of the game, mentioning in particular the state of California and the city of Chicago as being the privileged places of the title. To support his words, he bases himself on certain elements visible on the two artworks representing the Ghost where we can actually see some lines.

Next, Henderson draws particular attention to a mention that appears furtively in the recently released video. And, in all likelihood, it would be a date coupled with a teaser that would announce the very soon arrival of an official trailer. So, if the listing is to be believed, the trailer will be released on June 8, 2022.

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The different editions

If the date of the meeting turns out, should we just expect a single video broadcast? Or will there be more details about other unofficial items that have been released? We’ll see, but it’s not impossible to have details on the beta that would be planned as well as on the different editions offered by the game.

Editions that would have leaked and would have also been discovered by CharlieINTEL. According to him, there would be 3 of them: the standard, the cross-gen Bundle as well as the Vault Editionwhich should contain a Battle Pass, additional operators…

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