Home News New title Quantic Dream reportedly based on a PS4 game shown in...

New title Quantic Dream reportedly based on a PS4 game shown in 2013


According to rumors, the new AAA project of the Parisian team, alongside Star Wars Eclipse, is based on a technical demo presented at E3 2013.

According to VGC who quotes the twitter account (more and more quoted) AccountNGT (run by a French insider), the famous second medieval-fantasy side project of Quantic Dream could be based on the demo of The Dark Sorcerer, a PS4 title shown at E3 2013.

In reality, more than a real game, it was a technical demo for the PS4 produced at the time by this same studio and which was completely out of line. A complete game did not seem specially planned but could have given some ideas, more than 8 years later, to its creator.

If we are to believe this account (which currently has only one feat of arms: having unveiled Star Wars Eclipse before its time), the Parisian team is preparing a cross-gen light-fantasy game, also planned for PC, non-linear narrative oriented and written by David Cage. Difficult to know more for now and to confirm these rumors about a fake game that has been forgotten for almost a decade. But with QD, you can expect anything, including a design that takes so long …

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