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NFTs in Minecraft? Mojang gives its answer


In an article published on Wednesday, the studio Mojang was formal: NFT and blockchain will not see the light of day in Minecraft.

Before we start, let’s remember that NFTs are digital data (illustrations, images) that can be collected and exchanged on the blockchain. Their value lies in their uniqueness. In recent years, many studios have expressed their willingness to integrate them in some of their productions, such as Square Enix or Konami. Others did not hear it this way, such as Team17and now it’s the Minecraft developers’ turn.

You will not pass!

The news came just yesterday, Mojang will not be incorporating any type of NFT into its cube building game. This goes against the values of the software:

NFTs are not inclusive of our entire community and create a haves and have-nots scenario. The speculative pricing and investment mentality around NFTs distracts from the game and encourages profit, which we believe is incompatible with the long-term joy and success of our players.

If you would like to know more about this decision, you can find below the tweet with the link to the article of Mojang and some more details about the reasons behind this categorical refusal from the studio.

To ensure a safe and inclusive experience for Minecraft players, blockchain technologies are not allowed to be integrated into our Minecraft client and server applications, nor can they be used to create NFTs associated with any in-game content, including worlds, skins, personality items, or other mods.

Let’s take advantage of this announcement to remind that a new software taking place in the cubic universe has been unveiled recently. It’s called Minecraft Legends and will take the form of an action/strategy game. It is scheduled for release in 2023.

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